Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Israeli Adieu

scion \SY-uhn\, noun:
1. A detached shoot or twig of a plant used for grafting.

2. Hence, a descendant; an heir.

In The Gonads
Is Where The Two Seeds Kick Me
Ah, Scions O' Mine

Yup. Have a kid (or two), learn the pain...


Anonymous said...

All of mankind is born inheritantly evil, it's only through Christ that we can become pure.

Will said...

did you get that? you must find christ my son. Or perish in the fires of the souless, hating heart.

I like this piece best my friend. Though, it doesn't make me wana try the parenting side of life. Cats and dogs, bikes and motors for me.

B-Wizz said...

Well, cats and dogs are definitely quiter, and you can just lock them up if you need to go out.

But they also tend to poop on the carpet and eat your houseplants, so it's a trade off.