Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Do You See, Seattle?

This is why you can't have nice things. And I swear that every third person in that part of the country is just like that idiot. It's one of the reasons I live in Northern NY now, which also isn't ideal, but at least most people keep their clap-traps shut and wouldn't be caught dead wearing Birkenstocks AND wool socks.

On an unrelated note, I saw most of the new Transformers movie over the weekend, and only about half of what you've heard is true. There are definite continuity problems. Devastator does have testicles. Many of the robots do spit/vomit frequently for no good reason (is it supposed to be menacing, perhaps?). Megan fox does look like, have the acting ability of, and even a good name for, someone who should be appearing in adult movies. And yet...It did prominently feature robots beating the hell out of each other and numerous giant explosions, so it earns a solid "F%$* YEAH!" out of ten, on a one-to-ten scale

Friday, June 26, 2009

Pick Any Blog, Website, Newspaper, Or TV Station

And you'll see something similar to this. Can you deny the cultural significance of Michael Jackson? The guy was never my favorite artist, but I think that for my generation and the generation or two that preceded us, the dude was our Elvis, Sinatra...you know. Even if he did have some eccentricities and possible, erm, icky proclivities.

And the Jackson 5 ruled.

Okay, Okay. Crap quality video, but check out how Bill Cosby used to look!

A Tear for MJ.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pictures, If You Please





He's become quite the little ham. There was absolutely NO prompting by Cindy and I for either of these outfit choices - the glasses making me laugh he hardest. I was busy with something upstairs, and when I came downstairs, he ran around the corner and looked up at me with a very serious expression on his face.

He'll also kick back an' take 'er sleay, too. Awright awright awright.

Maybe tomorrow I'll dig through and put a pic or two of the older ones up. Maybe.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some Birds And Some Laughs

I need to put more stuff from the photostream up here. One of the rare nice days we had this spring brought some Cedar Waxwings into the yard, to eat the no-good Japanese Beatles that congregate in, and ruin, the apple blossoms. I think these little guys look awesome:



And, on a completely unrelated note, Dennis Leary is still funny. All I'd heard from him lately is "9/11 was an inside job, blah blah blah." But damn did the last part of this interview crack me up.

Here's a picture of a bookshelf I built. I need to build about three more, now, when I have free time, which is never.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


That's how much I would wager that this was filmed on Tupper Lake last winter.

Someday, I will post pics/videos of my own again.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I Could Not Do This

I wouldn't want to be able to, either.

What a psycho!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Really? That Must Have Been Hard To Do.

And by "hard to do" I mean "eff up a simple premise like a GI Joe movie." When I first heard that this had been greenlit, I thought that as long as Snake Eye's costume was true to the cartoon/comic/action figure I'd be stoked to see it. But those silly looking "accelerator suits" (and more importantly the lame CGI monkey movements they make with 'em) really wrecks even that for me. Boo.

Prob'ly I'll go see it anyway.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Fare Thee Well...

...Grasshopper. A tear for David Carradine.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Movies like this beg to be seen on a large screen, and I know this won't be playing up here in my neck of the woods. It looks like about the greatest thing ever.

Monday, June 01, 2009