Monday, May 02, 2005

Monday, 2:15 PM. Where's My Seatbelt?

The goods on the bads from last week:
The car had to be towed (bad) to Plattsburg (bad) but the problem was with the crankshaft (bad) that isn't unique to us - the car was recalled (good) and all we have to pay for is towing (good).
The sorter - the laser wasn't putting out the power we needed. Now that Simon's back we opened up the laser (fun - high voltage rules), cleaned some optics, burned a pinhole in our cardboard shield, and now it works better than it has for months.

Too bad I was too fried from last week to post or even take some pictures this weekend. We did get out and do a little yardwork and a little shopping.


Here's some pictures!
Cindy moved Ethan into the Connor's room about a week ago...

So now the crib's in our room, and Ethan's got a very cool bedroom.

We did all of this so we can tear apart the room he was in and get a fix on where the roof is leaking. I've got my work cut out for me!

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