Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Return of the Giant Pizza

I must be a full fledged adult, because the most exciting thing that happened to me last weekend was that we baked another deep dish. This time with some avocados and bacon thrown in for good measure. Just to remind you what these things look like...
That's at least four meals worth o' pizza!
Mmmmmmmm...Come to my house, and you can gain 10lbs too.
With skinny blinking white kid for scale.

I also made some delicious teriyaki chicken burger at one point - man, I need to find some more exciting things to do on the weekends...

We watched some movies, and Ethan had to fight Connor off of the popcorn...


And then some ninja's attacked, and I had to break a leg off of the table to fight them all off!



Unknown said...

That child does have one impressive widow's peak going on...it'll be great when he becomes a teen Goth icon.

Anonymous said...

That pizza looks really good.

Reminds me of the 15 lb hamburger I saw on MSN today. It's made by a restaurant in PA, dubbed the Beer Barrell Belly Buster and has 10.5 pounds of ground beef, 25 slices of cheese, a head of lettuce, three tomatoes, two onions, a cup-and-a-half each of mayonnaise, relish, ketchup, mustard and banana peppers -- and a bun.

It costs $30.

Maybe you should team up.

Anonymous said...

Devil eyes!!! Hey you need to make one of those pizzas and bring it to work and share.