Thursday, March 24, 2005

TB Day

Here's pictures of Coffee Compat Dr Pete talkin' bout TB:

Sorry Peter, I know they're pretty lousy pictures...

I didn't want to get close and irritate the people that are more important than me, and the backlighting due to the snow field outside of the large windows in the library was horrendous.

We've had mice in the shop - I know this because they chewed into a few garbage bags we had out their, and I had a dead one in the trap this morning. But Cindy showed me an onion, from the pantry, that had been gnawed on. Now I must terminate with extreme prejudice...
Maybe tomorrow I'll have a greusome picture of my dead quarry to post.

I'll definitely get back to pictures of the kids tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

A mouse eating an onion, that's CRAZY!

B-Wizz said...

Yeah. These mice have devil eyes.