Friday, October 07, 2005

Arthursday3 - A Day Late And More Than A Dollar Short

I recently saw some pictures on Fark of this years DragonCon. From what I understand, DragonCon is a yearly meeting of Übernerds that gather mostly to compare Star Wars costumes and quote obscure Sci Fi to each other. But...

These two images pretty much sum up my entire childhood in a nutshell. Minus Jar Jar.

I don't know whether I should be proud or ashamed.

Okay. Here's a new artists website that I've been looking through. The person(guy?)'s name is Jinyoung Shin. The art is bizarre - cool/weird symmetry to most of it; "anime outlandish" style (you'll see); figures that are often androgynous; and many rock and roll poses. Here's examples, tell me how much you hate them...

Jinyoung Shin worldtwoJinyoung Shin visitorJinyoung Shin feuerengelJinyoung Shin mayflyJinyoung Shin guitars
Wham, Bam, Thank You Glam

His site's as odd as his style - wierd, rambling commentary/stories, I don't know. But peruse the galleries - he's got some cool stuff. I especially like that many of the people's limbs are see-through or something. I don't know. I look forward to hearing how much some of you despise my taste in art...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm not much for the content, but I dig his style.

He's a solid technical illustrator which most artists now days aren't.

PCS said...

Actually I kind of like them