Thursday, September 01, 2005

Oy, Me Bum Hurts!

I went to the gas station this morning for my weekly rape - I mean fill up. $3.60 a gallon! That's about $0.90 a gallon increase in the last week, and $0.50 a gallon overnight. If this keeps up, I don't know what we'll be able to afford - maybe I'll have to stop going to work and we'll become a family of hobos. I could try to be more proactive and carpool - but that's kind of difficult because no one I work with lives near me.

I fell better that W has made his statement about gouging at the pumps. Because I'm sure that his oil company cronies have nothing to do with the sudden hike. Now I had heard that the bottleneck in the gas supply was at the refineries - correct me if I'm wrong. So if 10% of the refineries have been impacted by our recent hurricane, why has there been a 30%+ increase in the price of gas? And it's only going to go up! Yay!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't help but smile as gas prices shoot up. And you see a ton of trucks for sale. We'd have far fewer fat Americans if they'd ride or walk to work. Not to mention a certain increase in...neighborhood awareness. You're pretty detached from your surroundings in a car, but not on bike or foot...

KAP steps off soapbox.