Tuesday, May 02, 2006

An Update? How Great.

It's beautiful. And then some things blow my mind. Guitar players like that piss me off, because I know I'll never be that good, even if I learn their songs. Oh well.

But that's not why I brought you here.

I've seen a few movies lately. Here's what I thought:

King Kong: Here's three ways I would have made this movie better.
  1. No penis bugs. Those things that ate Andy Serkis really sicked me out. Screw that(™James Sells, 2006).
  2. The whole damned thing should have been about an hour shorter.
  3. You want to have a giant monkey fight some T-Rexes, football style? Fine, when the ape hits the final dinosaur like Jerome Bettis hitting a linebacker, have him spike the pretty blonde like a football when he's done, and maybe I'll crack a smile.
Then there was The Chronichles Of Narnia:The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe. I would have made it better by animating it, in 1982. Wait... I must say, however, that my pronunciation of the word "Narnia" is superior to yours. But since I don't know how to write it phonetically, you'll have to call me and have me scream it at you (518-3...Yeah, like I'd give my number out online - Screw That!™James Sells, 2006).

But that's not why I brought you here, either.

Wait, why do you come here? Is it for the champagne?

The weather's been off and on nice, so we've been off and on yard working - Cindy's been kicking ass at the landscaping. I'm ruggering. Ethan's spazzing. Connor's Drooling. Oh, and I've been at this job two years and one week now. And we bought a lawnmower. So I'm officially going to have to start admitting that I might have grown up leanings now.

But you're not here for that either.

Is it the cake? The deco?

Here's a few pictures from the old 'folio:
BTW - has anyone else had random flickr invites from random creepy couples?

Portabella and fettucine in a Merlot sauce. I also pronounce "portabella" better than you.

He's been watching some old VanHalen videos, so he's all about the tapping solos.

The rockstar pose is solid.

Here's the winner for cutest.


I'd include more pictures of the boy, but usually he just zones out, staring at the boob tube all day, even if it's off. That's what was going on here, although he caught me trying to take a picture of it, hence the awesome witch of Endor face.

This was mid-"No TV" bitch, but again, the camera was spotted, so the beast was not captured in it's natural habitat.

Well, I've just blown my load with pictures and (hopefully) good conversation. So it'll probably be another week, unless something wacky and exciting happens, 'till I blog again.

daedal \DEE-duhl\, adjective:
1. Complex or ingenious in form or function; intricate.

2. Skillful; artistic; ingenious.

3. Rich; adorned with many things.

Brandon Lost
His Daedal Side
Bad Adult Leaning



B-Wizz said...

My mom never leaves comments here, so this is what she e-mailed me:

Hi Brandon,

Didn’t understand your blog. . .but LOVED the pictures. You did make an adorable little boy!!



Unknown said...

Those larvae that ate Serkis looked (look) exactly, exactly, exactly like crane fly (Tipulidae) larvae. Even the little reach-out-and-grab-you ness, you can make it come out with some tweezers. Gross. Anyhow. Goes to show you how fucked we'd be if bugs weren't energetically stuck being little.

That's one cute blonde-child. Can't wait for the mullet to grow in. When's he get his first barbed wire tat?

B-Wizz said...

I thought the same thing, having seen pictures of gross crane fly larvae in many a fly fishing write up.

Why were they so afraid of the crickets?

Jackson Curtis said...

Those pictures of Connor with the guitar kind of remind me of the pic of John Kerry mugging for the camera with his base guitar during the last election.

Except Connor doesn't look like a complete asshat.