Friday, May 19, 2006

I Think You're Crazy

I've spent the last four days listening to the four songs on this website pretty much nonstop. If you're under the age of 35 (or over the age of 35, but hip to the noise that us "kids" listen to), click the link, turn up your speakers, click on a song title, then dance around your respective place of employment. All hail Gnarls Barkley!

Anyhoo. The weather in the ADK's has suck-diddly-ucked. Tomorrow is Old Boy's Appreciation day on the rugby front. Myself and the Not-So-Old-Boys will be playing a team from Saratoga (I think). This means I've got 24 hours to heal up the last of the bumps and bruises I incurred two weeks ago at Mud-N-Blood. Hooray for manliness!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

My connection is so rocking-fast that I can't seem to ever get music off that site.