As some have noticed, I have recently been hit with blog spam up the ying-yang, as has my friend Keith. To combat this trend, I may have to require that anyone leaving a comment have a blogger membership - I can walk anyone interested through it. One of the spammers was hawking a product that automatically finds blogs, leaves a comment with a link to site-x (x being some sleazy a-hole's product site), and generally pisses everyone concerned off. I left him a comment in return questioning the existence of certain (small) parts of his anatomy. The sick thing was, the person who had left a comment before me had been spammed with some happy statement. And her update for the day? The death of a friend. So we'll see how heavy I get spammed today, and then it may be adios anonymous.
But that's not why I brought you here.
On Monday, I was very excited to see
this. In the back of my head, I thought "good chance that's fake," but held out hope anyway. But. Yup. It's a big fat geek hoax. Boo. Be sure to read the little quotes up at the top as you browse. They're precious.
Here's to the thing that would never be...
You can't convince me that this guy wouldn't make a great PUSA!
Now, why doesn't the spellcheck on Blogger recognize the word "Blog?"
Brandon, that is so terribly disturbing. I mean, Chris Walken as President. No one could negotiate with the United States because they'd all be afraid to sit across the table from the king of the bitchslap stare. Ah when creativity and computers run wild. Great find.
Brandon, are you against Capitalism?
Are you questioning my capitalistic loyalties because of my hatred of spam, or my love of Christopher Walken?
Who would be his running mate? Fark. Hmm. Anthony Hopkins? Nahh. Timothy whatever the fark his name is. Rocky Horror Picture Show. Oh balls. Maybe. I dunno. Have a quiz.
What would Chris's party be?
Read the sight! Chris needs no party affiliation. Running mate? How about DeNiro or Pacino - they've got similar credentials. Or maybe Keanu.
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