Thursday, December 11, 2008

This Could Be Quite Some Debate.

The picture in question from a previous post.

I'm not 100% sure that it's a dog, as James suggested. No not Fran Drescher, the other thing.

What we know:

  • a)It has a fur covered body (Just to be clear, I'm only talking about the one on the left, not Fran Drescher) which means that
  • b)It is a mammal (Again, I'm only talking about the one on the left, not Fran Drescher)
  • c)It's eyes are located on the front of it's head, so it must be a carnivore, omnivore, insectivore, or carrion eater (The one on the left)
  • d)The density of its fur suggests that it evolved in either an extremely Northern or Southern climate and/or spends a lot of time in water (I'm talking about the creature on the left of the picture)
  • e)If tame, is only slightly so as it appears uncomfortable in whatever article of clothing is wrapped around it (In the white "shirt," on the left. Not the one on the right).
  • f)May not be of this earth, or at least "real" (The one with the light brown fur)


Unknown said...

I think it's pretty clear that this is a juvenile Mogwai. Very cute. Keep it in the dark, don't get it wet, and be sure not to feed it after midnight.

Jackson Curtis said...

Oh, I like the Mogwai theory.

Some research turns up it's a dog. And that furry thing on the left we've been discussing is in fact a canine as well. (It's named Esther! A DOG named ESTHER!....RIDICULOUS!)

You'll probably have to copy and paste the below into a browser. (And yes it's work safe.)

B-Wizz said...

I don't care what the internets say, that's no dog (the one with fuzzy hair, on the left).

My bet is bear. Definitely a bear - the one on the left in the picture has got to be a bear.

Jackson Curtis said...

Let's hope it's a bear with a taste for dog flesh then.

Jackson Curtis said...

Actually, now that I look closer, I think it's Snarf from Thundercats.

The one on the left I mean.

Bryan and Audrey said...

I can take on 18 5th graders in a fight