Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Something Short

I've got many pictures, and a few videos, but I'm feeling lazy so I won't Flickr or YouTube until tomorrow...Or maybe Thursday when I actually have an appointment on the books and will therefore be at a computer for most of the day.

Three weeks or so ago, Cindy and I actually got to get out of the house and away from the kids for a few hours, to go to the Full Moon Cross Country Ski Party. We rendezvoused with my buddy Frank first, shown here in his best sleaze-peddler pose. I left this baby blown up full size so anyone who chances upon it can bask in the awesomeness.
now that's a big pecker
There's an unwritten rule (just kidding, but not really) that anyone who stops by Frank's place is supposed to be photographed wearing the chicken mask. Here's me. Buck buck buck buck. It think that it kind of looks like I'm at some creepy costume disco.
that's not me grabbing your ass
The full moon party. How I managed to date/marry above my numerical rank is still a mystery to me.
I'm sorry I scream all night
Yeah. he just looks like he's sorry that he keeps us up half the night screaming and squawking.
a try at a nice pic of E & mom
It's nice that, even in the middle of a Northern New York winter Cindy still has a nice olive complexion. Because it's not like it makes the boys and all look even paler in comparison or anything.

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