Monday, January 28, 2008


Higher res-pictures fill up the Flickr account quicker, don't they precious.

I'll come back soon when I figure out how to blog from the Shutterfly account, or I get around to uploading something to YouTube (one of the videos I have is Desmond being funny in the bath, and even though I tried my hardest to shoot only from the waist up, I want to preview and make sure that there's no little kid wiener featured before I upload it).

Anyhow, check this out.


Jackson Curtis said...

Yeah you don't need any creepy old freaks leaving comments like, "Hey there muscely arm! How's about coming on down to the cellar and gettin' yourself a popsicle.".

That bear is sweet. My personal preference would have been to talk like Thundar the Barbarian and say thing like, "Come Vortek. Let us smite our enemies on the field of battle. Nay old friend, we shall drink beer once the killing is done and our enemies flee before our might.".

Or maybe I would have just ridden him into battle. Either way, what a story to tell the grandkids.

B-Wizz said...

I want to know why, with bear's long and storied history in modern warfare, we don't strap flame throwers and bazookas onto them and send them into the mountains and caves of Afghanistan.

I'm just sayin.'

Jackson Curtis said...

Indeed, the bear has a noble and heroic history. Not to mention their deep hatred for Middle Easterner's.