Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Inter-Way Arnival-Cay 008-2ay

I don't want my pictures with smart-ass comments to come up if anyone Googles "winter carnival 2008" hence the lame title. Here we go.

While I was extremely disappointed that the Shriners weren't cruising around in silly little cars, it was a nice trade off to have an anthropomorphized fez instead.
I'm not really sure what's up with having a giant, creepy, insect-like Dorothy for the Wizard Of Oz walkers (float? display? dumbasses?). Did that happen during the poppy field scene? Picture yourself in a boat on a river, tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
Here we have permanently surprised, passive agressive Buzz Lightyear. I'm pretty sure that there was some form of dwarf bottled up inside of this costume, and that I and the people responsible for this monstrosity will probably be sued by Disney for posting surprised, passive aggressive Buzz Lightyear's picture here.
I'd like to believe that this man is dressed up like Eric Cartman. Really I would. But individuals with this type of appearance and eating habits are such a common sight in the Adirondacks that I'm reasonably certain that this fellow just staggered out of one of the nearby swill vendors and joined the parade.
Anorexic ninja turtles? That's not as bad as somebody dressing up like Towely. that's right Towely. As in "Anybody wanna get high?" Towely. At a family event. That's how we spell class in the tri-lakes, folks.
The theme was "Hooray For Hollywood." I think that this person was dressed up as the kind of guy that would sneak onto a lot and hang around a starlets trailer trying to score with a celebrity back in the 60's. I took this picture, though, because so many of these people in costumes would come over and hug any kid that would let them, and as you can see with the little boy in this picture, the kids were obliging but clearly not enthused to be groped by strangers.
My buddy Frank as Charlie Chaplin. Say, is that woman in the fur coat in the background scoring some crack?
This was an ambitious costume. Not only did they make a Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man costume, but they chose to make it of the exact moment in Ghostbusters when the proton packs had him pretty well melted just prior to exploding.
I think this is Slimer. Although I once had a nightmare that took place in a BDSM dungeon (don't ask) and there were people that looked like this running around.
This year's ice palace. It was the biggest they had constructed in the four year's we've been here, but sadly, no frozen pike this year.
I've been telling myself for the last two weeks that this is really a picture I took of the fortress of solitude, and not just a worm's-eye-view of the pyramid out front.
Yeah, Connor wouldn't look at the camera.

Winter Carnival also means time for the annual Snow Rugby game. Which is fun. Ish.

That's how you do that. That is how you do that. (Notice the Carnival Queen - or three wise men - or whatever the hell that is, at the top pf the picture?)
Tackling and getting tackled, or otherwise winding up in the cold, cold snow really sucked.
Cindy thinks that it looks like I'm checking out this ladies boobs. I think that the reality is that I'm getting ready to blow a snot-rocket, but it's awesome that I'm married to a lovely lady that's cool enough to make a joke like that!

I'd like to end by ranting about how shitty and far behind the times Blogger and especially Flickr have become. If I drag and drop photos, it makes any kind of formatting, order, or coherence impossible. And at Flickr, I have to click on a pic, see different sizes, maybe pick a different size (lately, always pick a different size - maybe I need to adjust that), then copy and paste. Why can't they just give "embed" as an option with the picture in my photostream, kind of like YouTube does with a video as soon as you click it? Rant rant.


Jackson Curtis said...

You can embed photos. I do it all the time...

B-Wizz said...

I've embedded photos before, but since I've changed the margins on the blog it makes the text wrap around in strange and stupid ways.

Bryan and Audrey said...

OK, I got some comments about these pics B:
Pic 1. I don't trust that guy in the tan coat and green hat. Disgruntled ex-shriner? I think so.
Pic 2. It's like your towns version of burning man...except the opposite because it's cold and everyone is dressed and there's no burning..nevermind.
Pic 3. Where is disgruntled ex-shriner dude? He was standing behind those kids in Pic1...
Pic 4. I think there is a gun in that cheetos bag.
Pic 5. It appears the only television programming in your area is in the form of cartoons. Is the mayor of your town a man in a purple suit with a cheeseburger for a head?
Pic 6. Little known fact, this picture was taken two days after the parade. WEIRD.
Pic 8. Isn't that the scary monster from the new Jessica Michelle Alba Geller movie based on the Japanese horror film "Kasazaki Mitsubishi" aka "The Mellowman"? Yes, it is.
Pic 9. That looks like a Nuclear Eyes wide shut character. Not at all appropriate for kids. I hated that movie and the soundtrack that was comprised of two piano keys, way to go L Ron Cruise.
Pic 10 - 11. No comment except goooo Ethan.
Pic 12-14. These pics blow my mind. Where is the light coming from. Jesus is that you?
Pic 15-17. This might be the first time ever a town tried to tell a story about the birth of Jesus using Rugby as a metaphor in the month of February. Here's the cast:
John Armstrong, Chuck Garner, and Charles Roberts as the 3 wisemen. Brandon Sells as God, Rugby Ball 1 as Jesus, Chick with Blue sweatshirt as Mary, Rugby Ball 2 as
Jesus' stunt double, Man #1 who can't raise his arms as Joseph, Man with neck warmer as Inn Keeper.

B-Wizz said...

I can only assume that it was Peter who left comment #4 - which I've deleted along with the original caption (there's still a smart ass comment there, though, I'll only go so far...).

Thanks for the tip - was the original caption funny at least?

B-Wizz said...

Okay, okay, I'm gonna just go ahead and take any offending pictures down...