Thursday, June 07, 2007

I've Been So Bad About Posting, So Here's A Bunch Of Dreck For The Scrapbook.

3/5 of the happy family. I'm actually quite surprised that Connor isn't attempting to smother, bite, kick, or otherwise harm the little one. Really, he's not that bad - he'll even give Desmond a kiss on the forehead if he's crying.
Want to know what's amazing? When Desmond - as I'm sure most babies are - was born, he was pretty red. After a few merconiums (I think "merconium" is a great word. Too bad it means "baby's first excrement") - one in particular, which, pardon for being graphic, looked like black licorice flavored ice cream, due to the bile - he suddenly became pink. Said poo happened all over the little plastic bassonet they had him in in the hospital, and boy did it excite the nurse. Really. She was stoked to see bile poo and told us that he would color up after that. She was right! Licorice flavored ice cream!
The pops and the monkey. At least our baby looks like a little hairless ape, and not like J. Edgar Hoover.
Out for a spring drive a while back, I found this place. Bog River Falls. Everyone else in town knew where it was, but it took a cranky kid (Connor) and a warm spring day for me to find it. My dad and I tried to take Ethan fishing here, but were promptly attacked by swarms of three pound mosquitos and had to call it off early.
The day I took Connor for a drive, we saw some foxes (which I had never seen outside of a zoo before) and some grouse that were out on the side of the road strutting and fanning. Very cool. And! Last night, on the way home from work, a young (or maybe just small - is it a different subspecies out here than what they have out west?) cow moose crossed the road in front of me! Yay!
Ethan at the Natural History Museum
Ethan prepares for opening night of his role in "Newsies?" I really don't know what's going on in this picture - my mom went with him on a field trip to the Natural History Museum(?) in Blue Mountain Lake.
Gowned up ready for surgery, or, fearing the worst in a scary, disease infested world?
I totally could have grabbed some random guy in the hall and had him go and hold my wife's hand in the surgical suite if blood made me squeamish at all. No one would have known. I was pretty well disguised.
The C-section experience was, this time around, much less nerve wracking. I sort of wanted to stand up at several points and see what it was the doctors were doing down beneath the shrowd, but didn't think it would be a good idea since it was my wife they were slicing open!
Memorial day. Ethan held a banner for a full hour, and I didn't see him fidget much at all. Good job, boy.
Scary Hillary Clinton
Our next president, or what happens if you feed the Mogwai after midnight?
No! Don't smell the...ahh, shit, too late, nevermind.
Fun for the whole family (except for the dog, who may eat your face while you sleep, after a demeaning day in the park...)!

1 comment:

Bryan and Audrey said...

Good looking kid B Wizz. How hard was it to wear all that protective hospital gear and not find some fake blood and go tearing through the hospital screaming "mutaba! mutaaabbbaaaaaaa!!!"???