Monday, June 25, 2007

Oily? Eeewwwwww!

Tell me that this isn't the funniest, evilest, most disgusting proof that A) Truth is always stranger than fiction and B) We are all, collectively, headed towards hell in a handbasket, with smiles on our faces.

Normally, I don't like linking to strange blogs because I feel that it just adds to the inherent scariness, anonymity, and lack of fact-checking that comprises the vast majority of the internets. But the things I've read about this particular drug (oddly, the name is pronounced "ally") is summed up pretty well here. What I find the most funny is these aren't the side effects - it's how the drug works! That's right - we're so desperate to shed the spare tire that we'd take to shitting ourselves rather than eat right and get off of our fat asses. And the FDA is fine with this. USA! USA! USA!


Bryan and Audrey said...

Dark beer does that too me also

word verification: utgra

Jackson Curtis said...

Laziness and impatience. One hell of a cocktail.