Wednesday, June 27, 2007


The boy got straight A's this last trimester/quarter in school - actually, in the parlance of our modern world, it should be "the boy got straight one's this last trimester/quarter in school." So Cindy and I took him to see a movie last night (it was free popcorn night as well, and everytime we hit that, I eat enough popcorn to feel ill for at least the next 12 hours). What did we see?



I wasn't a big fan of the Fantastic Four as a kid - but I like these movies. They're pretty goofy, and light on story, but that's sort of what I expect from a movie based on a comic book. A good 90 minutes of entertainment is great - I can't help but think of all the utter crap that has been released as adaptations of comics and video games whenever I read a negative review of an entertaining flick like this.

Anyhow. Spoiler - The Fantastic Four do not allow Galactus to consume the planet. And Jessica Alba looks weird in this one - I don't know if it was funky tinted contacts, the odd wig, or the makeup they had on her, possible drug use, or what, but, it was weird to the point of distracting. Like "That person has devil eyes" distracting. Also, they manage to pull out that stupid hover car that I do remember from the comics. And while it's definitely more StarWars-ey than it was in the comics, that has still got to be one of the worst superhero methods of perambulation ever devised. What a hokey, hokey vehicle!

Bryan, go see the movie. I think you'll like it - thumbs up from me.

Second. I wasn't too excited when I first heard that the Transformers was being brought to the big screen - until I saw that preview about a month ago, now I'm way excited. In related, updating-our-childhood news, I just heard Spike Jonze - who usually makes watchable stuff, is adapting "Where The Wild Things Are," and there's already a still from the movie released..And...Tell me this doesn't look way, way awesome:

1 comment:

Bryan and Audrey said...

Yeah I've kind of been on the fence about that movie, but I might go see it now because I was one of the 4 or so people that liked the first one. That where the wild things are pic is sweet...