Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What's In A Name?

We named the monkey. Last Thursday. Or was it Friday. Wait for it...

Desmond Archer Sells

And the next person who asks me if I named him after the Scottish guy from "Lost" will be the proud winner of...Lets just say I may scowl and think evil things at you... Yes, Cindy and I are Lost-ies. No, to the ~8 of you who have asked so far, I would not name one of my children after an intriguing character from a television program.

Everyone's home now, recuperating. I'd say "resting up," but any of you who have small children know that "resting" (well, that, and "nookie" - I will swear on my own grave that Desmond was concieved late one Saturday night when I shot an inviting look at Cindy across the dinner table, and not in the usual way) is the last thing that occurs in a home that has them.

I need a damn nap.


Sara said...

Welcome home Desmond - hope your big brothers are enjoying your arrival!!

Bryan and Audrey said...

Congrats my main man! Nice pick on the name, though I think you should have taken Connor's advice and gone with Robot, not to mention John Rambo (which I'm glad you didn't use because that's probably going to be my kids first name, John Rambo Jensen, or if it's a girl Ramboina Jensen)

B-Wizz said...

Damn Yahoo! didn't work again, so I didn't know I had a message here. I kind of liked "Reno." I think it would have given the kid some street cred...

BTW - I'd like to know who "some FACSer is from the previous post's comments...