Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blogging Again?

With the warmer weather, and a few interesting things occuring on the internets, my blog-mind™ has been a virtual hive of activity. Here's a few more pictures, we'll see if I bother captioning them, you stupids.

And we line up for a line out. For those not in the know - a line out occurs when a ball goes out of play during a match. The team who didn't kick (or did kick if it's following a penalty) gets to throw the ball in. It has to go down the tunnel, but the throwing team gets a tactical advantage in deciding how far it gets thrown. Lanky guys like me get to jump - and be lifted, sometimes by our testes - into the air and snag that bad boy. This particular match, our line outs were shit. But this last weekend, against some pretty good teams, I ruled - I think I caught all of ours and stole 4-5 of the other teams' throws. Pat on the back.
Here's Lake Tanganyiki...Or what seemed like it. There aren't really any good East-West Interstates in New England. So you look at the map and try to find the shortest distance. Then, 2/3 of the way through your trip, you realize that the road map in the car has no indication of elevation, so what looks like 50 miles is really about 100 because you're climbing all of these crazy ass hills and mountain passes. At least the mountains back here aren't as tall as those out West, or there's a good chance there'd be some Donner Party-like occurences. This, by the way, is in either New Hampshire or Eastern Vermont.
When you road trip with kids, there inevitably comes a moment when one of the little ones either spills a drink all over themself or manages to urinate twice as much volume as they've ingested all week. I think in this case the kid slamed an entire bottle of Gatorade™ and then proceeded to urinate approximately three times as much liquid out of his body as was in the bottle to begin with. Cute picture though...
The littlest one, enjoying some tummy time. Man, has he been a squawker the last few nights. And I sleep more soundly than Cindy does, so if I'm tired and irritable, it's amazing that she can even function.

Hopefully, Cindy's going to throw a few more pictures of the chillin's up on her blog - probably not today, as she's in Plattsburgh, but go check it out in the next day or so.


Jackson Curtis said...

Connor is tall! Wow! What do you feed that kid?

Anonymous said...

yay, and he's all leg, just like his daddy.
