Thursday, September 14, 2006

That's "Chow-Dah!"


If I would have heard of this six weeks ago, I never would have bought all that poison:

Yellow Jacket Stew or S-Ka-V Oo-Ga-Ma

Gather yellow jacket combs (nests)

Pick out the grubs. Be careful to keep them intact.

Put the grubs in the oven on a pan to brown.

Make a soup of the browned grubs by adding them to water with some grease and a little salt.

Here's a link to some more delicious Native American recipes. Keith - wanna try some of these, buddy?

I'll be off house hunting if anyone needs me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So.... here's a little creepiness for you. One of the houses at the Shire belongs to John Willis (Ethans imaginary friend)

And half a million?!!