Monday, December 05, 2005

Chrazy Christmas Achoutrement

I admit that, if it weren't for the kids, I'd probably give a big "Bah Humbug" to Christmas and just have a nice ham or turkey dinner on or around December 25th and call it a day. But since we do have kids, and having kids does make the holidays exciting even for grumpy adults like myself, the wife and I (mostly the wife - I just help with the tall guy things) have been a-decorating.

The "new" thing that we've picked up this year is LED Christmas lights. They're nice and bright and supposedly drain less power. But I wouldn't recommend hanging them outside if you live in a windy area. They do a weird flickering/pulsating/I don't know thing when they swing that's enough to make me nauseous. They do it if you move your head back and forth really quick, too. I figured that one out myself.

That's right. We don't have a fireplace, we a have a TV. And we don't have anything to set the TV on because we've moved around so much in the last 3 years. Now that we've been at one address for almost a year, it might be time to try and remedy that.

And of course our moderately sized fake tree.
Next year, if Connor's a bit more "hands off," I might be talked in to getting a larger, real tree.

In other holiday news, here's some links for my family members that want to know what to get the:
Both Boys.
Cindy. (And me?)
Crass commercialism...say "Yeah!"

And I think this would look great in our living room.

Remember this? Well, Cindy, who's braver than I, fixed it. Turned out that the circuit board that had been sent to us, in error, to fix a circuit board that wasn't broke but was believed to be faulty, was faulty. She plugged in the old board, we covered our eyes, and...It worked! Didn't even have to fiddle around re-calibrating the speed much, because I'd put motor and belts in like a champ. Yay Sells family!


Unknown said...

You know why they blink when you move them (or you head) right?

B-Wizz said...

It's because they're really pulsing on and off real quick, isn't it? I tried to look up the frequency online but couldn't find it. Seems like its 50mHz or something.