Friday, December 09, 2005

Slow Down, You Move Too Fast

Yup. Things've been slow in my world, hence no posts.

Why dont'cha relax and grab some coffee or some Sanka.

That's nice.

There's cookies too, for those of you that want one.

Good, good. Just sit back and enjoy yourself.

We've recently been slammed with snow - the ride in this morning was slow and slippy. It's too cold outside to want to be outside much, so the snow sits and looks pretty, mostly. I need to get some snow-time outdoor equipment so I can get outside and enjoy it all once in a while. Maybe break ice in a kayak. The snow's too dry to have a snowball fight or build a sweet fort with the kids.

I came across this during my daily internets wanderings/watching cells fall into tubes the other day. Whenever I see things like this, I understand why the drawings I used to make in grade school looked the way they do. Generic muscle guys in camo pants with sunglasses on? Awesome. My kids are missing out on the videogame and comic book packaging of yesteryear. Too bad I don't get the joy out of art that I used too - I could still draw pictures of generic commandos, but I'd just disappoint myself with lack of anatomical accuracy. I'm a science type person, dammit! Which means I'm borderline OCD enough that I get little satisfaction out of creating even though I'm still driven to do it - I only see the flaws. Ramble, ramble.


Anonymous said...

I totally remember Bazooka Bill! Did you notice Fabio as "Iron Sword". Myeh.

B-Wizz said...

Oh yeah. I remember that game cover, too, f'in Fabio. I remember playing hours of that game - I think we borrowed it from one neighbor kid or another.

Anonymous said...

I think you're thinking of Wizards & Warriors. But I could be wrong. That was a long time ago.

B-Wizz said...

Iron Sword is Wizards & Warriors 2. Gosh. I'm pretty sure the Jones' lent it too us for a while. I remember some of the stupid shit from that game. Wandering around gathering gold to buy a suit of armor that ends up hurting your little guy when he wears it, fighting the same stupid monsters (gels? WTF?) over and over.