Thursday, November 16, 2006

"You come out with stink like that. Poop! You poop mouth. Get all that poop out of your mouth."

The Boob Tube

I watch TV. It's fact - probably too much lately. It's hard to do much else when you have a toddler around who won't sleep, won't allow you to sleep (or do much else), and would be more than happy to get the knives/flaming things/poisons/shocky things out to play with if you turn your back for a second. So, TV as background noise, all the time, to avoid insanity.

One show I have never - and will never - watch, is "The OC." But I'm curious to know if any of my friends out there do. Okay, okay, one time I paused while flipping past, and I actually walked away from the experience knowing how to pronounce "Gnocchi." Like most things that have some popularity, there's a decent amount of media saturation of that damned show, so I haven't been able to avoid the TV and radio spots that fill me in on what I've missed. And I want to know some things.

Is it serious? As in "Are you f&$%&*n' kidding me?" One of the commercials for the show had the skinny kid as an apparently successful cage fighter. What? Back when I was skinny, I tried my hand at cage fighting, and it didn't work out quite like that.

Are the writers former drug addicts, mental patients, and street people? On my drive to work this morning I heard one female character explain to another "Men for me are like drinking for you. Either way, I wind up upside down on a chandelier." How in the hell is that even possible? "Hide the Scotch and the Stepladders, (Insert generic teenager from the OC's name here)'s mother is coming over."

Ah, entertainment of the modern age.

The Things You're Forced To Sit Through

I won't go into details, as lord only knows who reads my piece of Internet flotsam, but I recently attended a talk that was far from interesting. But how the presenter tried - "funny" pictures, corny jokes, blah. The whole time said presenter kept reassuring us that it was okay to laugh. Yeah. Okay to laugh. We get it - we're adults. You have to say or do something funny first. Blah.

It's Cold And Flu Season

So watch this. I had to watch this at yet another presentation that I attended.


Bono has the blood of African children on his hands?

I Now Hate Bluegrass Music

Remember how in college, hump night could be a big deal (depending on your class load)? Apparently I live in a town peopled by adults that still takes it seriously. Well, they may go hit it every night for all I would know, not exactly my thing anymore. I had a meeting for the rugby club last night at a local watering hole - I know, I know. But I behaved myself out of respect for preggo wife. The place was packed - there was some serious drinking going on. You know there's something up with that when the rugby crowd is the best behaved, soberest group in attendance. The taps were running out of beer (and taking their sweet time getting the freaking hot wings out to boot)! Anyhow, there was also a small, not too shabby, bluegrass trio playing in one corner. Naturally, since we were there to have a meeting, we chose the opposite end of the building, in another room entirely, to sit and do our thing. Which was great, until the fat bastards moved in right next to us! And then proceeded to play their (acoustic, mind you) instruments louder and louder, until I couldn't even here what was being said by people at the other end of the table. I no longer find the banjo as fascinating as I used to.


Jackson Curtis said...

I don't watch the OC either. Mainly because it looks like a show that wouldn't appeal to me in the slightest. Much like 90210 and Melrose Place didn't appeal to me.

Although I think would rather watch that than that godawful cold and flu video. Sheesh!

Bryan and Audrey said...

Dude, I totally watch the OC. Are you kidding me? My favorite is the one guy who is always rebelling against his parents and the OC community, not to mention the one chick that is always getting in trouble with stuff, and the other guy who is kind of the buddy but they totally changed his character the 2nd season, and the fact that there is so much excitement each week watching the upper 1% of society in terms of income deal with day to day issues like parties going crazy when the parents are in Italy and crashing their bmw's they got for their sweet 16 bday and oh man i'm getting to fired up just thinking about it, i think i'm just going to leave for the day and go watch season 8 again on dvd, for the 22nd time.

B-Wizz said...

That definitely got me laughing, Bryan. Not least of all because, having never seen the show, that's exactly the kind of hijinx I would have described as going on...on it. That's your point though, right?

