Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Wednesday Afteroons and Sinus Infections

I've got a nasty, nasty, sinus infection/headcold thing going on right now. And I can't even take a day off work to be a pain the wife's behind while I recover because I've got no one to cover for me. But, hey, my sinuses are bleeding, so I'll be taking no shit off of anyone today - unless they have bleeding sinuses as well. And I mean literally bleeding. It's gross. I think I might have plaster dust from the on-going room remodel to thank for it all. Anyhow.

Stunt Pilot Extroardinaire
We're all clear for lift off, lets make it a go. DSCN2150
I'm experiencing some difficulties. I'm caught in some turbulence, over. DSCN2148
Oh no! Crash, shoot, bang, random explosion, barrel roll, *fart*, weee-owr, crash, boop.

Yet again, I failed to capture the kid at play. It was great, too. He kept making ducklips, which you can kind of see, to do the sound effects, and some other things. If anyone wants to call and talk to the squirt, I'd imagine he would make the sound effects for your enjoyment.

Oh, and according to sitemeter, a metric butload of people looking for the famous rugby penis pitcure have been directed to my little corner of the internets. Interesting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a nice collection of exercise videos you have there.