Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I Could've...

I could've been filling my corner of the internets with delightful asides from my life. I could also art more than I do. Or music more than I do. But I've been too busy, or too sick, or too tired, or too wrapped up with kids to flickr, sketch, or strum. So here's some shit that's almost literally running out of my ears:

I could describe, in great detail, why tapirs are my favorite animal:
Freakin' adorable

I could've made a blog entry that would've made at least Bryan laugh that consisted of a "VH1's Behind The Music" for The Fat Boys. And I had some really funny shit to have Buff Love saying about Prince Markie and Kool Rock, too. But we all know I don't have the motivation to write something like that out.

What's it say about my generation that these guys were EVER cool?

I could take this opportunity to bitch about the fact that when I did a GIS search for something innocent like "titmouse" I was amazed that the work filter didn't nail me, as it does now for other innocent things...
Tufted Titmouse on Cranberry Branch, Michigan
I don't think I can say "Tufted Titmouse" out loud to another human being without smirking either.

I could take this opportunity to make some jokes about an action star/blues guitarist/purveyor of energy drinks and his huge fat ass.
That guy MUST have his own weather systems. And be sure to check out the track names on the music link. Somebody PLEASE make a pun involving one of his movie titles for me.

I don't think I need to tell you why hellbenders may only be my second favorite animal, but have my favorite animal's name.
I don't think I would want to swim in that river...

But instead, I'll just go back to rubbing my temples to ward off the inevitable headache for a little longer, and hope that the counter on my FACSVAntage hits 3 million pretty soon.

But here's another picture of The Fat Boys first

Fill up the Fridge...Do you remember "Disorderlies?"


Bryan and Audrey said...

Bout time you posted something, I was starting to think "if Brandon doesn't post something about the Fat Boys soon I'm going to start to get worried". I love the pic of the fat boys holding a pizza with the fat boys on the pizza eating the pizza, while the big fat boys are eating burgers and ice cream.

B-Wizz said...

That picture does sort of boggle the mind, don't it?

Jackson Curtis said...

Ugh, he looks like a fat baby!

I don't kow if you need to make a pun, check out some of these titles to his movies. They're already pretty apropos;

Marked for Death
On Deadly Ground
Half Past Dead
Belly of the Beast
Out of Reach

How about "Today You Diet" (instead of "Today You Die")

Jackson Curtis said...

The product description for his Energy Drink is pretty entertaining to read.

Features: 100% Pure Steven Seagal Juice......okaaaaaay.

Jackson Curtis said...

I see what you mean about the song titles; Alligator Ass?????

I'm gonna have to do a Steven Seagal post, this is too rich.

B-Wizz said...

Marked For Death...In A Pizza Hut
On Deadly Ground - Behind A Pizza Hut
Ticker - My Arm Is Tingly
Half Past Dead - Of Heart Disease
Belly Of The Beast
(My Dick Is)Out Of Reach
Harvester (Of Cheeseburgers)