Monday, August 21, 2006

SoaP - An Essay

For the first time in perhaps five years, I watched a movie on its opening weekend. The movie deserving of such an honor? Snakes On A Plane. And deserving of this honor it truly was. After viewing this gilded wonder of the cinematic world, I have only one thing to say.

Go see Snakes On A Plane and it will change your life.

I had high expectations walking into the theatre, and I walked out with all of them fulfilled. In spades. There were snakes, and they were on a plane. There was a mammary gland that got attacked by a snake. There was a penis that was attacked by a snake. There was at least two eyeballs attacked by snakes. Ditto for the chihuaha, and some lady's tongue.

And it was all pulled off with such artistic largesse that it seemed like classic literature had been brought to life before my very eyes.

Go and see this movie.

The involvement that one gets with the characters in this movie is such that you are generally happy to see the personal transformations they all go through. Three G, I'm looking at you. When Sam Jackson says those much publicized words "I am getting real sick and tired of all these mother*bleeping* snakes on this mother*bleeping* plane!" a tear slid down my cheek, as shivers went down my spine. And by the end of the movie, as the last lines of dialogue are uttered (which I won't spoil for you!), I nearly expected the two male leads to engage in an open-mouthed kiss. But that would have been okay after what they had been through together.

Go see Snakes On A Plane, and all of your dreams will come true.

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