Friday, March 10, 2006

Jai Guru Deva Ohm

Hey, it was John Lennon's personal mantra for inner peace, so why shouldn't I use it? I just got a call from the wife - the gas company that claimed a year ago that none of the tanks at the house were theirs (thus they would have to replace them, for a fee, if we wanted our tanks filled) just came and took all of our propane tanks (they showed up a month ago claiming they were theirs, and said they'd be back in a week to deal with it - so much for staying on schedule); the other company that we contacted for gas service can't figure out if they'd replaced a tank last (this?) week, after they had to cancel doing it earlier (broken truck, supposedly). So, I'm going to go home at noon so Cindy, who's much better at dealing with this sort of thing than I (yay wife!) can have the car to go and break some heads. Jai guru deva ohm indeed...

In other news, after an eight year absence, I've decided to play rugby again, and went to my first practice last night. And boy howdy how I had forgotten that certain muscle groups still existed within my body. Hopefully it will get better the more I run...

Finally...Daily Senryu! And I'm excited for the word of the day today. I've liked today's word ever since I read The Lord of The Flies in sixth (or was it seventh or eighth?) grade.

ululate \UL-yuh-layt; YOOL-\, intransitive:

To howl, as a dog or a wolf; to wail; as, ululating jackals.
I Ululate Softly
East Coast Workmen

Never Do As Claimed

Because the gas service problems are REALLY typical of the attitude we've run into from people involved in labor jobs back here...We still haven't been able to get a roofer/contractor to come out and just give us an estimate! Even though they all say they'll be out on Friday...


Bryan and Audrey said...

Ahh the joys of home ownership eh? I noticed your blog format got messed up a little and your profile and links are at the bottom of the page. I noticed that happened to my blog too, it's because of your post yesterday and the word defenition for the seryu being too long. If you go back in and edit that post and break up those lines it'll bring your profile info back up to the top of the page.

Sara said...

Rugby - wo do you play for? SL or Tupper??

B-Wizz said...

I'm going to play with the Saranac Lake team - I think. I'll have to see if my body completely falls apart over the next few practices.