Monday, January 02, 2006

Meme Thing

Keith tagged me for this - I posted with it once, but wasn't happy with what I came up with on the fly so I deleted it. Hopefully no one read it. Here's the new version. Forgive me if I stop short of five...

  1. I speak fluent gibberish. Seriously. I should record myself in the car sometime - especially if there's someone driving like an @$$ nearby. I can do a great stream of consciousness swearing bit that sounds like I'm cursing in Italian or something. But you'll never get to hear it - I don't think it would work at all in front of anyone else.
  2. For whatever reason, since I met Cindy, neither one of us has lived anywhere that doesn't constantly need a light bulb replaced (or the entire fixture). Our last college apartments, apartments in both the Seattle area and Saranac Lake, and now the house...Always replacing bulbs, some of them only last a week or two at a time. Must be the wiring? Or maybe the wife and I exude some resonant EM waves that damage things like that?
  3. My only ambition in life is to get through it all as easily as possible. That's a pretty attainable sounding goal, right? And yet, most of the time, I feel like I'd have more luck if I were trying to become president or an astronaut or something. Not that I'm complaining...
  4. The number one thing that pisses me off the most are people who are rude, insensitive, or mean for no reason. I can actually laugh at the rest of it - and I'm talking about some things other people get really offended by (no examples, this is a family blog), most of the time. But people who are selfish and pigheaded to others with no good reason to behave that way can go stab themselves.
That's all I've got. Hope it helped...Anyone else that I know that blogs is now tagged to share five random facts about themselves with the world - since there's only two or three of you besides Keith, you should know who you are.

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