Thursday, July 21, 2005

Random Righteousness

Recently, as those of you who read and leave comments (strongly encouraged) noticed, I was contacted by my very first religious wackjob on this here blog. You can see said headcase's profile here. Turns out that it's a message sent out en masse to many random blogs by a person or group of people. Might explain why so many religions were listed on his profile (it's changed since I was first made aware that I am valuable enough to a religious order/person/sect/cult to warrant a random mailing) but I don't understand how more than one person can claim messianic aspirations or some such nonsense. On the plus side, the person/group/Jim Jones wannabe is down with Esperanto, a recent interest of mine...Not that I'm going to learn it, but the fact that it exists, that inspires me. Curious that days after I look up Esperanto out of boredom at work, I'm contacted by a weirdo/cultist/blasphemer that has an Esperanto name...

Ah, Esperanto, the sweetest of the invented languages, you beat the pants off of your child Ido. Curiosity made me look up Esperanto one day - and it directed me towards several other interesting concepts. The Baha'i Faith (This has nothing to do with the New Ager that contacted me - again - boredom at work, curiousity about Esperanto, and Wikipedia led to this tidbit) encourages followers to learn it - and according to the description, seem like a pretty mellow, accepting group of people. O' course, I'd have no idea. Also, micronations (Bored at work, supervisor's from England and has been past SeaLand) - Rose Island had Esperanto as it's national language, but wasn't around long. Sealand is much cooler and zanier, even without Esperanto - read the whole entry for a chuck or two. And finally, William "Theres...Something on the...Wing" Shatner made Incubus - an all Esperanto horror movie. That's right.

James showed me this - meeting of two half-wits, truly. Funny that nothing can be solved through violence, yet the thing that prevents a non-violent American from getting physical with a calmer American is the small possibility that a gun may be in the area...and a smaller possibility that it would be used to fend off an angered female motorist. Anywhoooooo.......Did I mention someone from the religiosity woodwork contacted me?

One last thought - if you like random, creepy things...And I sure do - check out Rubber Johnny. James had brought this to my attention a while back, but I just saw the whole video today, and it's a wild one. If the back story's not mentioned anywhere, I can fill ya in.

Sorry for the weirdness and crippling rambling.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I almost crapped my pants when that rubber johny thing popped up...and thus didn't watch any of it.