Friday, January 09, 2009

Halloween In January

That's right, *TWO* Batmans and a Robin (after a short conversation with a coworker, it was decided that in cases such as this it is "Batmans" and not "Batmen." Batmen would just be stupid) and some lady we met at Tupper Lake's last remaining disco.

I was only going to post the picture of the kids, then I decided to post this one as a means to explain what kind of an area that Cindy and I live in. I dressed up as a pregnant woman for our improptu "lets go eat sushi and go to one of Lake Placid's terrible night clubs" halloween celebration. Not one, but two different drunk men (both of whom had their "mate" present) suggested they'd like to take me home to perform unspeakable acts upon me. Now I know I'm pretty, but...Sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit thinking about it.

I really need to put a few of the pictures I've flickred in the last two or three months up here...

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