Wednesday, May 02, 2007

He was a cop, and good at his job. But then he committed the ultimate sin, and testified against other cops gone bad. Cops who tried to kill him.

This is going to be sort of a redundant post, as anyone who cares will have already seen these pictures on my Flickr page. I also have nothing funny to say, no interesting bits of the internets to point out, and nothing exciting (yet) to report. Another week and half, tops, though, and I'll have a third kid. Delicious.

Here we have a visibly pregnant Wolverine (That's "Logan," to you true believers) brandishing claws in my kitchen.
(Note: If Wolverine were truly capable of becoming pregnant, the resulting spawn would be so awesomely lethal that it would be impossible to look upon the child without having your mind blown)

Here we have a mini-Wolverine, again with claw-brandishing action in my kitchen.
(Note: That mask, although it looks cool, sucks. The perma-scowl molded into it comes complete with eye-stabby brow furrows)
Also sent was a Spiderman costume for the C-man, but he hates/fears the thing. Just mentioning it is enough to set him to screaming and crying big crocodile tears.

One day, after tons more work that follows the tons of work we're currently working on, this will be a bathroom.
(Note: Home improvement work suuuuuuucks)

I can't feel to bad about this picture, because I'm skinnier than I was in January. All of the sanding of mildly-toxic sheetrock compound also gave me a good idea of what I will look like when I am old and gray.
(Note: Sanding sheet rock compound suuuuuucks)

It's snowing! Wait, no, that's just particles of sanded sheet rock compound floating in the air.
(Note: Breathing this stuff in suuuuuucks. I swear I go for runs sometimes now, and I start to cough after half a mile or so, and white clouds of dust come out of me when I do)

Remember the Captain Howdy Window? We uncovered it, and now we've replaced. Picture of new thermal window sometime in the future...
(Note: Yes I do live next door to a fifty year old trailer)

Easter weekend meant a lot of finding stickers, disappearing, then reappearing with stickers stuck all over the body for Connor.
(Note: Stickers? For Easter? Where's the damn candy?)

It's spring again, which means rugby has started again. We lost to a Montreal team last Saturday, but I was in the paper (upper RH corner, in the scrum cap) looking my apeish best (In the paper, this picture was much bigger than I could get it online).
(Note: I am not nearly as mentally handicapped as this photograph would have you believe. Just ask my 8th grade advanced crayon teacher)

This also means the first bruises of the year. I also have a dandy on my leg that is actually causing some very uncomfortable (ie at times exruciatibng) swelling/blood pooling along my entire lower leg. But it's not as vividly colored, so it wasn't blog worthy.
(Note: Contrary to the appearance of this picture, I was not drunk, stoned, retarded, or otherwise impaired at 8am this morning, when this picture was taken)


1 comment:

Jackson Curtis said...

They really got into the Wolverine outfit. You need to take one with those in your shorts and wife beater sitting on the couch drinking a beer.