Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some Birds And Some Laughs

I need to put more stuff from the photostream up here. One of the rare nice days we had this spring brought some Cedar Waxwings into the yard, to eat the no-good Japanese Beatles that congregate in, and ruin, the apple blossoms. I think these little guys look awesome:



And, on a completely unrelated note, Dennis Leary is still funny. All I'd heard from him lately is "9/11 was an inside job, blah blah blah." But damn did the last part of this interview crack me up.

Here's a picture of a bookshelf I built. I need to build about three more, now, when I have free time, which is never.


1 comment:

Jackson Curtis said...

That Dennis Leary interview is awesome. Speaking of awesome, have you seen the video of the kid wigging out because his mom canceled his WoW account?

Talk about a train wreck.