Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Do You See, Seattle?

This is why you can't have nice things. And I swear that every third person in that part of the country is just like that idiot. It's one of the reasons I live in Northern NY now, which also isn't ideal, but at least most people keep their clap-traps shut and wouldn't be caught dead wearing Birkenstocks AND wool socks.

On an unrelated note, I saw most of the new Transformers movie over the weekend, and only about half of what you've heard is true. There are definite continuity problems. Devastator does have testicles. Many of the robots do spit/vomit frequently for no good reason (is it supposed to be menacing, perhaps?). Megan fox does look like, have the acting ability of, and even a good name for, someone who should be appearing in adult movies. And yet...It did prominently feature robots beating the hell out of each other and numerous giant explosions, so it earns a solid "F%$* YEAH!" out of ten, on a one-to-ten scale


Jackson Curtis said...

What are we supposed to see? Was there supposed to be a video or an article or something?

B-Wizz said...

Check it out now - there's a link.

Jackson Curtis said...

Oh yeah, I hadn't seen that but it doesn't surprise me. What would I do without the Greeners to protect me and think for me.

I did hear on the news this morning that they have canceled the fireworks show on Lake Union this year. Though I don't know if it's related to this or not.

What a douche though.