Friday, April 24, 2009

Talkin' Out Of His Ass, Again.

There's so much wrong with this. I won't go into my opinions (I'm a science-type-person, you can probably guess what they would be). But if any of the two or three people who ever read this sumbitchin' blog of mine want to discuss, leave comments.


Jackson Curtis said...

There are some definite flaws in his logic/argument, no doubt.

Here's where I do agree with him;

1) The drug companies are in it for profit. (Not saying this is a bad thing, it is a capitalist economy after all.)

2) The long term effects of many of the drugs and vaccines that come out today are not totally known or understood. Nor how they will mix with other drugs. (See point #1).

3) The general naivete of the American public is atrocious.

All that said, if people did their homework and thought for themselves many of the "issues" we rant and rave about wouldn't be issues.

But that's what we've devolved to. "Give me my meds and tell what to do/think/feel."

Sad really.

B-Wizz said...

The problem with noted biochemist Jim Carrey's - and many like him - logic is something like this: There are negative effects/side effects to many things that modern medicine have to offer. But we also enjoy good health and long life because of them. Back when we were curing everything with herbs and poultices, I would be considered an old man at 30 years old.

That and, regardless of what he mentions about sample size and the comparisons made to the health effects of tobacco, there really is no "smoking gun" when it comes to a link between vaccines and autism. It's complete bunk.

Jackson Curtis said...

I don't disagree with you. Especially about the lack of a smoking gun. There are way too many other variables to consider to just quickly draw a line of cause and effect.

I think it's more of a matter of people need their outlets and causes to be a part of. Sometimes bitching makes people feel like they are actually helping or living a life bigger than themselves.