Friday, March 21, 2008

Hey, Dad, I Can't See Too Good Is That Bill Shakespeare Over There?

No blogging for a while, I know. I've been either frantically busy or sitting with my thumb in my butt waiting for phone calls, so no one-eye-on-the-sorter-one-eye-on-the-computer much lately. I'll lead off with this, though. It's a comment left for the video of Connor throwing a huge temper tantrum. You know, the one I have on YouTube that shows a freakin' three year old throwing a fit.

"This little boy has anger issues, sorry but when he is older he will need therapy. This is not normal behavior."

What the hell is wrong with people on the internets? Or maybe it's western civilization as a whole. This person's handle is "JannDoug," go spam them. They've got videos of their eleven month old snow flake, who I'm sure won't be throwing temper tantrums when (s)he's three. That just doesn't happen in a soccer mom's perfect little world, where puppy dogs poop gumdrops and no one cries over the spilled breast milk. I didn't bother responding to their comment in turn, maybe I shouldn't have here. Don't criticize my kids for acting like kids, even if I have the poor taste to video record them when they're acting the most rotten!

The video in question (Dude, it's a temper tantrum. The only thing unusual about it is that after a couple of minutes of the screaming I thought to myself "fine, I guess I'll record this for posterity if you won't calm down." Which of course prompted Ethan to run into the room and get the toddler smack-down for his trouble!):


Dr. Mindbender began plotting his nefarious plans at a very young age.
I got up to pee the other night and found this thing crawling around in the bathtub. So we ate it.

Sometimes when you're little, and you play too hard, it doesn't matter where you sleep.
I was getting ready for work the other morning when I was informed that it was, in fact, time to go camping.
Some of us are more "with it" when we wake up than others.
View from the bedroom window (that we just moved out of - hooray hooray, the remodel end is near!).
A slightly different view, for perspective.
I'm not sure what kind of machine he thought that he'd built, but I'm pretty glad that I caught him in mid explodo-spaz so that he looks like he has wonky eye.
This was a couple of weeks ago, and I thought things would have changed by now, but instead I think it's gotten colder and it's definitely snowed more!

A few weeks back, Cindy took Ethan on an outdoor adventure snow shoeing at the VIC, only it turned out to be a harrowing tale for the ages:

It was a beautiful day, spirits were high.
The first warning should have been the sniper towers.

The second warning should have been the signs warning everyone not to stop and poop, just do it while skiing.
And then...Canibal Lean-To - they had to beat a hasty retreat!
After which, apparently, Cindy passed out.
And judging by his expression, Ethan was very concerned. Then I heard that something happened with a snow bank, and I think there was hand-to-hand combat with a yeti. But they both came home safe.

A final thought:
I try to avoid discussing current events, politics, or anything meaningful at all here as:
  1. The internet's got way too much of that crap already, who cares what I think
  2. Opinions are like buttholes - everyone's got one, and they all stink
But due to the media saturation of the "Eliot Spitzer Likes To Have Nasty Sex With Dirty Call Girls" story, perhaps amplified by my residing in New York state, I have this to say. I hope that this stupid girl who's made terrible decisions but has big dreams of making it big as a singer (who doesn't these days) is able to parlay her notoriety into the kind of legitimately deserved fame that we haven't seen in a long time. I'm talking grammy winner, oscar winner, tony winner, still respected when she's 80. Why? I think that it would reflect perfectly where we are as a society right now.

There's my $0.02.

Till next time.


Jackson Curtis said...

That's what happens when you post something online, it's automatically open to public critique and debate. Unfortunate as it is.

But people in general think they know everything. I'm sure JannDoug thinks they are best the parents in the world and that their precious little snowflake is a reflection of their superiority. But for all we know they're tin-foil hat wearing, "the government is putting mind control drugs in the water", don't discipline your kid reason with them, 9/11 was an inside job type of wing-nuts that don't know their ass from their elbow when it comes to real life and who's kid will grow up to be a maladjusted weirdo. Or they could totally know what they're talking about. But their comments were unwanted and they failed to back up their enlightened comments with any kind of credentials. Therefore they should be dismissed as the armchair psychologists they present themselves as.

It never ceases to amaze me that people will offer their unsolicited opinion on things that have zero impact on them. I run across this in the checkout line at QFC semi-regularly. Some granola eating, hemp smoking, enlightened individual will feel the need to critique my diet. "You shouldn't get that stuff (the decongestant I'm buying), you should take natural honey instead. It's better for you and does the same thing. I'm just saying.".

Wow, thanks man! I have no idea whether or not you have any clue what you're talking about but the fact that you care so much for my well being is mind blowing. I think I will also rethink 9/11, the role of marijuana as it pertains to society and the national debt, as well as the fact that I might exist in a universe that is actually just a particle in the fingernail dirt of some giant in a much larger universe.


Jackson Curtis said...

BTW - what is that goblin looking thing in the picture?

B-Wizz said...

It's a McDonald's toy from their "Spiderwick Chronicals" prmotion.