Thursday, August 28, 2008

This Is Bridge Town

I've forgotten about virtually everything to do with this movie, save this one scene. And what a scene it is.


Jackson Curtis said...

You probably forgot because your brain was traumatized by the sheer awfulness that is "The Postman".

As a US taxpayer (and a fiscally conservative one no less) I would full support legislation that increased taxes if the result was the Kevin Costner was prevented from starring in, directing, or having anything to do with another movie again. His movies are total crap now days, which is sad because he made some great movies back in the 80s like "Bull Durham" and "Revenge".

B-Wizz said...

I actually only really like about 8 seconds of that clip. Once TP says "and we don't allow guns" I pretty much fade out until it shows his hippy-ass goofing off on top of the zip-line tower.