Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Rebate In '08

Be sure that you pronounce that "aught-ate."

Anyhow, isn't it time that we, as a country, started addressing the really, really important questions?


Bryan and Audrey said...

If Hillary Clinton becomes President I'm moving to Mexico, I will be known then as "Bryan Mexico" and will be either involved in some kind of cartel or will become the first Mexican Superhero, in which case I would not be "Bryan Mexico" but instead "Chupacabra Man" or "The Green Bean Lantern".
What is it like anyways living in New York and having her for a Senator. Do you see her picture on billboards and then try hard not to vomit but instead vomit all over your steering wheel, nearly driving into pedestrians, and then spilling coffee on your lap while screaming "Hilllllaaarrrryyyyyyyyyy" with your fist in the air? that's just what I imagine it would be like.

B-Wizz said...

Actually, much like every other US senator, I don't think Hillary's actually done anything (que wandering troll jumping in here to fill me in on a list of "relevant" things that she or some other senator have done for "us"). I think getting elected to the Senate these days is only done for the sake of possibly campaigning for an even higher office if everything pans out. I don't think most of them actually do much.